Sweet N Sour- Neon Party【2019 電音霓虹派對】美國電音大廠來了!到底要多少錢!?

不知道由南岸席捲至全球的 Trap N Bass 曲風嗎!

不用買機票到拉斯維加斯!美國音樂大廠 SPACE YACHT 空運兩位大咖DJ「Nitti Gritti & Londonbridge」攜手SWEET N SOUR強勢陣容「KAKU、ARKN、Sam Hwang、派偉俊 Patrick Brasca」,在甩頭擺動中放鬆你的感官,透過重低音帶你到不曾觸擊的舒壓領域!

⭐ Nitti Gritti DJ of Tomorrowland, EDC, Ultra
2019年最受矚目的強勢DJ Nitti Gritti準備空運來台,全球知名音樂節 Tomorrowland、EDC、Ultra 都有他的足跡,出道2年就飛遍三大洲,參與上百場演出,連Tiësto也把他的歌放入播放清單,今年你千萬不能錯過的DJ!
- Nitti Gritti spotify頻道搶先聽 -https://open.spotify.com/artist/21AUdblPrTRzkvJn8FGrlk

⭐特別嘉賓 SPACE YACHT ft. LondonBridge
發跡於洛杉磯的SPACE YACHT起初提供單純的音樂表演,在3年間遍及美歐大陸,與各地新興創作者建立緊密關係,更於2018年取得風靡全球的 EDC拉斯维加斯電子音樂節策展身份;現在SPACE YACHT的主理人LondonBridge即將抵達亞洲,帶你體驗美歐大陸殿堂級的音樂氣氛。

⭐台北唯一Trap N Bass & Neon Party
致力於推動Trap N Bass的SWEET N SOUR這次重金禮聘SPACE YACHT跨海來台,打造音樂節等級的電音霓虹派對,帶給你不同以往的音樂體驗,快來最能啟發你舞蹈基因的 CHESS ,享受盡情搖頭甩手的快感!

沒在夜店吃過披薩嗎?SPACE YACHT 最經典的橋段,深夜發披薩!

CHESS 特有的空間配置,不只讓你看清楚偶像的臉


Don't miss out Taipei’s only Trap and Bass Neon party at Chess Taipei on Thursday Nov. 21!! Sweet N Sour will be welcoming first time Space Yacht's DJ Nitti Gritti & Londonbridge and SWEET N SOUR’S Strong line-up “KAKU, ARKN, Sam Hwang, ARKN & Patrick Brasca!” 

SPACE YACHT- known for showcasing the next generation of dance music. Originated from LA, it has been running for 3 years around the US and Europe, establishing close relationships with emerging creators around the world. Now, SPACE YACHT is about to arrive in Asia and together with SWEET N SOUR, let yourself be a part of this new generation of dance music, immerse yourself to Taipei’s first and only trap and bass party like no other! 

NITTI GRITTI is the name that continues to push the boundaries of electronic music. Known for his contagious energy behind the decks and recent headlines at Tomorrowland, EDC and Ultra- you already know we’re in for a show. A night not to miss with top hits signed to Tiesto’s tracklist with his biggest release “Crack,” Nitti Gritti will be bringing in all that trap and bass, Taipei be ready! 

*Note free pizza giveaway throughout the night- ready your ears & stomach!!

______________《演出陣容| Line Up 》______________________

🚀DJ Nitti Gritti
🚀ARKN B2B Sam Hwang
🚀派偉俊 Patrick Brasca

⚡Doory Entry : 票價 NT 1,000(暢飲)
⚡Presale Tickets:早鳥票 NT 800(暢飲/前200名贈禮物袋) (Sale Duration 早鳥期間 11/01-11/18)


CHESS taipei



チケット種別 販売期間 価格
早鳥優待票 / 前200名贈禮物袋

2019/11/08 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/11/18 23:50(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$800

2019/11/19 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/11/21 00:00(+0800) 販売終了
  • TWD$1,000