WUKI- presented by Sweet N Sour

Sweet N Sour 回來了!! 這次我們將請到剛在 Ultra Music Festival 和 Coachella 表演完的 Wuki


WUKI 是一位來自美國丹佛曲風豐富的DJ製作人, 他的創作受到 Detroit ghetto-tech 與 Chicago footwork 這兩種曲風所啟發, WUKI 的音樂也被放進很多知名DJ的Tomorrowland, Ultra, EDC SET裡面

把多種不同曲風融合成他自己的風格, WUKI的作品也被許多國際知名電子音樂廠牌 如 OWSLA, Main Course, Fool’s Gold 和Ultra 所重用 , 也被很多不同的知名DJ製作人所支持像是 Knife Party, Skrillex, Kayzo

Sweet N Sour is back!!! And will be bringing Wuki fresh off the stage of ULTRA MIAMI and COACHELLA 🔥🔥🔥

WUKI’s sound - influenced by the sound of Detroit ghettotech and Chicago footwork scenes - is prevalent on many of the Top 10 DJ’s sets from shows like Tomorrowland, to Ultra, to EDC. His ability to seamlessly mix booty, breaks, electro, and house into hard-hitting club-shakers has become a trademark of the Wuki sound. 


WUKI has earned releases and remixes from notable imprints such as OWSLA, Main Course, Fool’s Gold, Mad Decent, and Ultra - not to mention support from the likes of Knife Party, Skrillex, and Kayzo, and is on tour supporting the launch of his record label WUKILEAKS.

Chess Taipei



票種 販售時間 售價
預售票 | Pre-sale Ticket

2018/04/26 00:00(+0800) ~ 2018/05/17 20:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • TWD$300